Religious Art
Mankind wants and needs to belief in a high-being, a
creator, a God, or the gods. The religions of the world are
so very diverse. Each religion feels it has all the answers.
This web site exhibits the arts and crafts of all religions
without supporting or denying any of the respective creeds.
FolkArt.Com™; constantly seeks arts and crafts from ALL
religions. If you know of such art, please email art@folkart.com.
Guadalupe |
At that time, in the year 1531, in the early days of the month of December, it happened that there lived a poor Indian, named Juan Diego. The Virgin Guadalupe appeared before the frightened youth. She instructed him to tell the Bishop to build a temple on the hillside. The Bishop, not believing the tale Juan Diego told, requested proof. The Holy Virgin again instructed Juan Diego. "Gather roses in your sarape". Miraculously when Juan Diego let down his sarape filled with roses before the Bishop, the image of the Holy Virgin was found embossed on the cloth. Juan Diego's sarape with the image of Guadalupe may be seen today over the alter in the Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe in Mexico City. Guadalupe, please pray for us...
Tiny cloth Scapularios represent various Saints. Traditionally the Scapulario is worn around the neck or carried in a purse or pocket. These Scapularios were blessed by the priest serving Mass at the Church of Guadalupe in Tijuana, Mexico on April 29, 2000. Approximately 1-1/8 inch plus string to go around your neck. |

Blessed in Mexico
PRICE: $15.00